Thermal Bridging Analysis
FCG uses THERM and WINDOW software to perform thermal analyses of fenestration details as well as other building enclosure details. THERM is a software program that calculates heat transfer through two-dimensional models using finite element analysis for steady state temperature conditions. The program analyzes temperature and heat flow distribution which can then be used to estimate overall heat loss, total and component U-factors, and local temperature points of interest. Typically, THERM is used to model two-dimensional heat transfer effects in building enclosure components where thermal bridges are of concern and to evaluate an assembly’s energy efficiency and local temperature patterns which may relate directly to problems with condensation.
Models are performed per NFRC 100 and 200 with results represented in isotherms or infrared patterns. Results can also be provided to show operational temperature and relative humidity ranges that may result in condensation events for a particular detail.
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